Saturday, September 24, 2011

Too much technology locked my wife out of the house but I had a great lunch

I just came back to the office from a great lunch with my friend Phil Kaplan (yeah, not this one), I’m a big fan of the founder.When I get back to my San Francisco office the whole team tells me my phones have been ringing for a long time like all the time.
Why my phones kept ringing? My wife locked herself out of the house the very day I forget all of my 3 (!) phones to go to lunch. It never happened to me that I forgot my phone for years! I felt good actually, good lunch, no email checking, no technology, no sharing the awesome fresh uni on Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and LinkedIn, no nothing. Just a great conversation with a fantastic entrepreneur without thinking that I should check what’s happening online.Geraldine could finally get in somehow.
Blame her new car that doesn’t need a key to start it, you know it’s those cars the key just has to be in the car to start the engine and you only press a button to open the door if the key is nearby.Bang there you go, she left the key in it, closed the parking door and no keys to get in the house or back in the garage. Hilarious now that it’s solved. Fortunately it did not last very long and the weather is beautiful outside in SF.When I think about it, it’s too much technology that locked her out (I did not take that option on my car perfectly aware the same could happen to me) and too much technology that could have prevented me from a great non interrupted lunch. I need to learn how to live with less technology more often.

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