Saturday, September 3, 2011

High Energy and Healthy Living: Best Blended Coffee Shake Recipe

For you early-risers out there, you already know that one peculiar aspect of waking up very early is that by the time you’re preparing to head out the door around 8:30am or so, your 6 a.m. breakfast is already starting to wear off!I needed a post-breakfast high energy “snack” — something fast and packed with energizing nutrition to give me a sustained boost.
After a couple of tries, I concocted this recipe that I’d like to share with you. It’s refreshing and delicious, and really puts you in the right mood to take-on the world! I made this video really fast before I was leaving for work:

Delicious and Healthy Ingredients

1.water-treated, organic, fair trade decaffeinated coffee
2.frozen organic banana
4.rice milk
5.raw pecans
6.raw organic coconut butter
7.carob and raw cacao and a bit of plant protein powder

I’ll admit, not everyone likes the combination of banana with coffee — I enjoy it. If the combination of those flavors doesn’t appeal to you, however, simply substitute more ice for the frozen banana.Another great thing: this recipe is easily customizable; lately I’ve been making it with raw, organic pecan butter instead of peanut butter, and if you feel like a change of pace you can swap out the cardamom for cinnamon. It’s often fun to experiment and modify a recipe to make it your own, so play around and let me know what you come up with.

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