Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Hunter - a short pay-what-you-want SciFi tale

Pyke chased the girl down a street still wet with the afternoon’s rainfall. A thin sliver of moon was glowing behind the thinning clouds, but it wasn’t bright enough to pierce the darkness between thefew street lamps that still worked. The girl was fast. He had to stay close, or she’d escape.
Pyke had let the girl put about 500 feet between them when she ranthrough a bright pool of light and was swallowed by darkness. When she didn’t reappear, Pyke knew he had her, for there was only one place she could have gone. He followed her through a once-ornate gateway into the old city, where the colony had been founded a century before.
Her footfalls echoed off rows of empty windows down narrow streets that seemed to turn back on themselves, an ancient trick intended to confuse invaders. When the Gan arrived, they solved this puzzle by simply bombarding most of the buildings and walls from low orbit until there weren’t many places left to hide. Hunters like Pyke—a second-generation Goa colonist who’d grown up in the old city—knew every twist, every turn, every blind alley and every hidden basement.
It wasn’t the first time Pyke had pushed a rebel into the avenues. In the six months he’d been working for the Gan, he’d let dozens of terrified patriots think they were making their escape into the old city’s maze-like streets, only to trap them in one of its countless dead ends, where he’d have a little fun before turning them over to his masters.
He heard a splash just down the block, followed by a yelp. She must have fallen in a puddle, Pyke thought. Shallow craters were everywhere in these streets; filled with water, they made quite effective traps. Pyke slowed to a jog and grinned. It was only a matter of time now

Fairy girl growing up in the body from the steel

Indonesia's Sangatta, East Kutai ilankulantai school teacher, aged 40, who lives in the area of the body is a miraculous time NOORSYAIDAH 10 - 20 Cm long steel has grown over the past 18 years. Chest and abdominal this Wires grown in the past in 1991,
He found religion fall a wire from the body. that wire again a month later grew from it. growing continue to grow up without falling wires. During the medical examination undertaken in this regard as well as developing outside the body and grow observered wires. Indonesian Health Ministry about a rare occurrence, medical experts and to return to studies.

His sister said about it, he tried to remove his body and cut wires when developed, it will be able to consider the growing body of re-stated in another component. Medical expert group, consisting of four when he saw pictures of yourself in the belly of his feet are over 40 bars.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

'Velayudham' smashes all records!

The audio launch of Vijay's upcoming superhero film 'Velayudham' was held in the presence of more than one lakh fans of Ilayathalapathy, from across the state. The audio launch took place at Madurai where most of 'Velayudham' scenes were shot. The music CDs that were launched has met with an overwhelming response from Vijay fans and music lovers from across the state.
Sony Music Entertainment which acquired the rights for Velayudham music were in for a very pleasant surprise of the day the music launched when all the music CDs were sold out on the very first day, thereby creating a new record.
Ashok Parwani of Sony Music Entertainment Chennai, revealed and we quote "We are overwhelmed with the response the movie and the music have received. 'Velayudham' has broken all records and we have sold all our units within a day of its launch. The soundtracks are original, soulful and memorable. We're sure that the compositions will go down in history as some of the best melodies of our times."

'Velayudham' with a huge star cast is banking on high expectations from Vijay fans and movie goers in general. If the sales of the audio CDs could be a precursor to the film which will be released in the near future, then we guess 'Velayudham' will truly prove to be a super hit at the box-office

How to Look Up the Definition of a Word in Google Docs

Google Docs is one of the best free word processing applications available. If you have a Google or Gmail account, you can easily take advantage of this cloud-based suite of document creation tools that allow you to create word documents, spreadsheets, slide decks, and more. Google automatically spell-checks your documents for you, and also features other core components essential for creating documents such as the ability to change font styles, colors, and the layout of content.

One feature available in Google Docs that many users are not aware of is the ability to look up the definition of a word in Google Docs. This can be useful when collaborating on documents with other Google users and you need to verify that they have used the correct word in the context of a phrase in the document. It can also be useful for users who have a word in mind, but aren’t quite sure if it’s the correct word — or correct variation of a word. For those who are often stuck between choosing “effect” and “affect,” this feature is especially useful.

The ways in which you can look up the definition of a word in Google Docs will vary depending on your operating system. First, type in the word you want to look up using Google Docs. Then, if you have Windows, use the keyboard shortcut Control+Shift+Y. If you have a Mac, use the keyboard shortcut Command+Shift+Y. These commands will automatically show you the definition of the word, as well as any synonyms and several Web definitions of the word. You also have the option to look up the definition of a new word in Google Docs via the popup that displays the definition of the original word you look up.

What other “secret” features of Google Docs do you find useful? Let us know in the comments.

Monday, August 29, 2011

Cool Social Media Infographics

Presenting tempting content online is about capturing attention and that starts with the headline, after that there are a variety of tactics and media to continue to engage your viewer whether that be multimedia rich content categories such as a video, image or text.

If the content is creative and visually compelling then your chances of having it shared on social media increase dramatically. Infographics allow you to present information for audiences to consume in a few seconds.

Infographics have almost become a media in their own right and the correct creative mix of design and data can be almost magnetic.

This collection of infographics includes Google vs Facebook, The history of social media and the most viral brands of 2010.
Google vs Facebook
In 2010 Facebook passed Google as the top on-line destination with 41.1 million minutes spent on Facebook in August 2010 compared to Google’s 39.8 million minutes.

Stars cooler than the invention of the human body

Scientists using NASA's long cold shadow created by the discovery of infrared stars are found.This would be the nature of the stars are cooler than the human body. The researchers named the stars, whitvarp Space Gallery.Using a telescope that can be seen in visible light, when seen in light of faint stars, the scientists found 6 whittvarp.The stars near our Sun located 40 light years away. The small stars and other objects have been studied for the full details of Vice.
They were very faint due to infrared radiation with a dense light. Very cool stars and brown whittvarp in a small family-star lineup. To say that the stars have failed. Patrick Kirk, chief analyst at the research report has been submitted.